Dermot O'Brien
Kristaps Ancāns
When The Wind Blows- 26.07.25 – 20.09.25
opens: saturday twenty sixth july, noon to six
Nicky Hirst
- 06.06.25 – 19.07.25
opens: saturday seventh june, noon to six
Alice Wilson
Hegemonic Log(s) And Two Benches
- 22.03.25 – 10.05.25
Lee Edwards
Absence is Presence
- 01.02.25 – 08.03.25
- Kristaps Ancāns
Polar Rainbow
- #polarrainbow
- Hoxton Mini Press
Art London
- An Opinionated Guide To: Art London, published November 2022 (link to order direct from publishers)
- The Rural College of Art
David Gates with Lothar Götz
- site–visit by appointment (ongoing)
- Spaces The Live/Work Gallery on
- Jonathan Griffin, 27.07.15
- Les Formes de la Ruine
- Musée des Beaux–Arts de Lyon
- 01.12.23 – 03.03.24
- Interval Two (Dream Pool)
- solo exhibition at Kerlin Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
- 17.11.23 – 06.01.24
- Lagos Photo Festival 2023
- Ground State – Fellowship Within the Uncanny
27.10.23 – 31.12.23
- Following Threads
- Ailbhe Ní Bhriain, Isabel Nolan, Matt Smith, Ciara O'Connor, Cecilia Danell, Mainie Jellett, design by Ceodogán rugs, Dorothy Cross, Michelle Malone, Jennifer Trouton, Anne Kiely and Mary Palmer. Crawford Art Gallery, Cork, Ireland
09.09.23 – 28.01.24
- RTÉ Player: The Works Presents
- John Kelly meets Ailbhe Ní Bhriain.
24:56 mins on 18.05.23
- Interval One (Dream Pool)
- domobaal
16.06.23 – 31.08.23
- This Rural
- curated by Miriam O'Connor and Paul McAree, Lismore Castle Arts, Ireland.
- 20.05.23 – 16.07.23
- Hollow Earth: Art, Caves & The Subterranean Imaginary
- curated by Hayward Gallery Touring, Glucksman Gallery, Cork, Ireland.
06.04.23 – 09.07.23
- Hollow Earth: Art, Caves & The Subterranean Imaginary
- Nottingham Contemporary, UK, curated by Hayward Gallery Touring
- 24.09.22 – 22.01.23
- Superfice
- Christopher Hanlon, Daniel Karrer, Selma Parlour, curated by Rebecca Geldard/appleandhat
01.10.21 – 31.10.21
- This Is Not An Oak Tree
- Jugg Art Foundation, 50 Corder Road, Ipswich IP4 2XD, Ipswich Annual Biennial, UK.
10.08.19 – 25.08.19
- International Lawns/The Rural College of Art/Disinformation
- White Box Gallery, 5 Hare & Billet Road, Blackheath, London SE3 0RB.
5tf05.07.19 – 28.07.19
- Ideas Travel Faster Than Light
The Mecklenburgh Square Garden Project 2020
- invited by Clair Joy and Jasone Miranda–Bilbao, Mecklenburgh Square Garden, London WC1.
24.09.20 – 27.09.20
- Introduction to Under 5's
- YouTube
- John Strutton's playlists
- YouTube
- Lara Viana
- andriesse eyck galerie, Amsterdam, Netherlands, with a text by Rebecca Geldard.
- 02.02.19 – 09.03.19
- Absence is Presence
- domobaal
- 01.02.25 – 08.03.25
- The Rural College of Art:
David Gates with Lothar Götz
- site–visit by appointment (ongoing)
- Lothar Götz: Dance Diagonal
- Brewers Towner Commission, Towner Gallery, Eastbourne to transform the gallery's exterior walls to mark the 10th anniversary of the gallery.
- 01.06.19 – ongoing
- Lothar Götz: Composition for a Staircase
- Site–specific mural commissioned to mark the 10th anniversary of Pallant House Gallery's contemporary wing in the stairwell of the new wing, Chichester, UK (supported by The Abbey Harris Mural Fund).
- now extended
- Marcel Dinahet: Sous le toit
- Penthouse Margate, 34 Harold Road, Cliftonville, Margate CT9 2HT.
- Opens: Saturday 19 October 2019 5–9pm
- (thereafter by appointment, please contact for details)
- Marcel Dinahet
- FRAC Bretagne, Rennes, France.
- 13.06.18 – 03.11.18
- Events and Talks:
- Tuesday 18 June: Marcel Dinahet exhibition tour and conversation with Dominique Abensour.
- Tuesday 17 September: Conference presented by Pascal Beausse 'les artistes écosophes'.
- Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September: Journées du Patrimoine, Association Marcel Dinahet/Melaine Dalibert.
- Sunday 29 September: Suspended Spaces.
- Sunday 13 October: Finis Terrae.
- Tuesday 15 October: Marcel Dinahet and writers, monograph publication launch catalogue in the context of the 30 year anniversary of the 'Archives de la critique d'art' with
Jean–Marc Huitorel, Antje Kramer, and others.
- Suspended Spaces
- curated by Dorothée Duvivier at BPS22 Museum, 22 Boulevard Solvay, B–6000 Charleroi, Hainaut, Belgium.
- 16.06.18 – 02.09.19
- Now Wakes the Sea
- curated by Kirstie North and Chris Clarke, with Tacita Dean, Marcel Dinahet, Sean Lynch, Maria McKinney, Conrad Shawcross, Lucy Skaer, and Janaina Tschape, at The Glucksman Gallery, Cork, Ireland.
- 03.08.17 – 05.11.17
- Refaire Surface
- suspended spaces at Centre d'art Le Lait, Albi, France.
- 01.07.17 – 22.10.17
- La ville, la mer
- Saint–Malo invites FRAC Bretagne, Chapelle Saint–Sauveur, Saint–Malo, France.
- 01.07.17 – 17.09.17
- Maud Cotter
a collect of will
- 17.02.24 – 13.04.24
- carom: to strike and rebound
- an original concept by Maud Cotter, commissioned by the National Sculpture Factory, Cork, Ireland, developed in collaboration with Austin Mc Quinn, designed by Clancy Moore Architects, fabricated by Alex Pentek.
- 2023
- Joseph Beuys: Irish Energy
- design of installation of images alongside a work from the Beuys series 'Irish Energy', with the kind permission of Oliver Dowling, Professor Caroline Tisdall and the Beuys' Estate, The Bog Butter Room, collection of The Butter Museum, Cork, Ireland.
- 2024
- Taking Form, Students of the Year 1973–76
- Maud Cotter, Eilis O’Connell, Vivienne Roche curated by Sarah Kelleher and Brian Mac Domhnaill, Lavit Gallery, Cork, Ireland.
- 2023
- what was never ours to keep
- solo exhibition at MOCA, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, co–curated by Caitlín Docherty and Ylva Rouse.
- 09.07.22 – 13.11.22
- a consequence of ⁓
- solo exhibition at the Irish Arts Center, 726 11th Avenue, Hell's Kitchen, New York, curated by Miranda Driscoll
- 02.06.22 – 26.06.22 (theatre installation)
02.06.22 – 04.12.22 (building–wide installation)
- Coventry Biennial 2019: The Twin at The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
- Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Jordan Well, Coventry CV1 5QP, curated by Ryan Hughes
- 04.10.19 – 26.01.20
- Coventry Biennial 2019: The Twin at The Row
- The Row, 8 Ironmonger Row, Coventry, CV1 1FD, curated by Ryan Hughes
- 04.10.19 – 26.01.20
- Nicky Hirst
The Electorate
- 13.05.22 – extended and open during the summer by chance or by appointment
- Election Artist 2019
- Official artist for the 2019 General Election, appointed by the House of Commons Speaker's Advisory Committee on Works of Art
- Rachel Adams
- 07.10.22 – 17.12.22
- Insight 22 'spec/bug'
- Rachel Adams, Shigeru Izumi, Lothar Götz, Carlo Zauli, Haruko Sasakawa, Miki Sato, Katuso Tachi, Natsuyuki Nakanishi, Eric Bainbridge at Yoshimi Arts, Osaka, Japan.
- 31.07.19 – 20.08.19
- 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland
- Phytopia
- curated by Edward Chell at Glynn Vivian Museum and Art Gallery, Alexandra Road, Swansea, SA1 5DZ.
- artist conference on Saturday 16th February 2019.
- 15.02.19 – 26.05.19